Fish Oil Supplements for Your Dog
Fish oil is an important source of Omega fatty acids, which are important to your pet’s health. Supplementing your dog’s diet with fish oil can make your dog’s coat softer and more luxurious while healing dry, flaky skin and potentially aiding cardiovascular health. Many veterinarians also believe that Omega-3 fatty acids improve joint health and vision health. Supplementing your dog’s diet with DHA, omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids can be beneficial to your pet’s health.
There is some concern in the popular press that very high doses of Omega-6 fatty acids will cause your pet to become deficient in vitamin E. While we’ve not found definitive literature on that subject, we would always suggest not using massive doses of fish oil and, of course, monitoring your dog for any adverse symptoms that may occur.
As always, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian for any unusual symptoms.